Another exciting month for the Russins. There were several trips and visitors for us this month. We started off the month by driving down to San Diego to get away while the popcorn ceiling was removed in our house. We drove down during the night and Cordelia slept the whole 7 hrs. Upon our return to San Jose we were visited by Uncle Ken, Aunt Abbe and Cousin Henry. We had a fun time visiting and Henry enjoyed meeting his cousin. Shortly after their visit we headed up to the sierra mountains to spend some time in Bishop. This is a traditional family vacation spot for Alicia and her family, so it was great to introduce Corrie to the mountains and spend some family time away in the beauty of nature. Aunt Kelly was nice enough to return with us from Bishop and allow us to have a night out for Alicia’s birthday without having to worry about Cordelia. We end the month with more visitors on the way! Grandma and Grandpa Powers will be watching Corrie over Labor Day weekend while we go up to participate in a Jack Russel Terrier show in Carson City, NV.
Cordelia has been developing really well over the past month. She is very active and engaged, always reaching for toys and looking around when people are talking. She has a bouncy chair with different activities and she had managed to figure out how they all work. She is still sleeping through the night and is changing to a new schedule with one less nap. Additionally she gets bottle snacks during the day and is capable of holding her bottle all by herself – check out the video. Although she has not mastered crawling yet, she is still making attempts to move herself around and build up her muscles.
Please keep us in your prayers, specifically that Cordelia will do well while we are away over Labor Day weekend. Also pray that God would continue to guide us as parents in raising our daughter. In September Alicia will be starting the MOPS program at church, so pray that it will be a rewarding time. We are so blessed to be faithfully and generously supported by our family and friends. We also praise God for keeping us healthy and Cordelia growing well.