After an exciting and busy start to the month, things are starting to settle down. We have all the furniture in place now and got both cars in the garage.ย We built a work bench in the garage and new peg board for all the tools.ย We also went to the La z boy storeย and got a “dad chair” for Tim, which will be arriving in November. There is still some things that need to find storage homes but overall our new house is looking good.
We are also getting more acquainted with the area and finding where all the important land marks are. We still enjoy going to our neighborhood park and have found some nice places to take the dog for a walk.
We also successfully got our house in San Jose rented out. The process was a bit crazy but it turned out well over all. We are happy to be done taking weekend trips down there to fix the place up and interview tenants.
Tim is starting to get a feel for his new job. Being a smaller company his role is more broad and he is helping the company to define standard practices and procedures. So far it seems like a good job move for him and he is enjoying his new co-workers. One of the down sides is that he can no longer bike to work so finding opportunities to work out has become more challenging. The company has had a few social events over the past month, which is a good opportunity for him to get to know everyone better. At one of the socials he talked to some of the management about Alicia and they expressed interest in bringing her on too.
Alicia joined two moms’ groups since being up in American Canyon. One is a MOPS club that meets in Napa once a month and the other is a MOMS club group that meets various places around Fairfield weekly. She is finding it difficult to connect with the MOPS group since they only meet once a month but she is really enjoying the MOMS club play group. Alicia also found out about a weekly library event for babies/toddlers and has gone to that the past two weeks. When not going to a play date or grocery shopping Alicia and Cordelia go over to the neighborhood park in the mornings. Pregnancy continues to go well. Baby boy is moving around all over and is healthy by all accounts. We are now entering the final trimester with due date conveniently overshadowed by moving and upcoming holidays. Alicia also interviewed with Tim’s new company for a part time contract position and will probably start doing some work for them in November. In order to be able to work part time Alicia has been working to find a nanny to watch Corrie.
Cordelia has had a challenging month. There have been lots of transitions and new places for her to adapt to. For the first three weeks after moving Alicia and Corrie went down to San Jose on Thursdays to take care of the rental process. On top of that she also has two new molars coming. All of this seems to have taken a toll on her and she has been much more sensitive and prone to melt-downs. Corrie went for her first photo shoot and had a complete break-down, which cause the photos to suffer. On the positive side, she still sleeps great in her new quotbig girlquot bed and eats well at most meal times. She went in for her 18 month check up and is very healthy at 26lb and 33in tall. We hope this stage of being opinionated and very clingy around strangers is a short-lived phase and she becomes more stable as she gets comfortable in the new environments.
At the end of the month Alicia’s mom came for a visit and Cordelia had a great time with Grandma. We appreciate having the extra help and the opportunity to share our new place with family. The new guest bedroom has been initiated and approved.
We appreciate all of your understanding and prayers as we made this big transition. Please pray that God will direct us in Alicia working part time and hiring a nanny to help with Cordelia. Please pray for our upcoming Thanksgiving travels to visit with the Russin clan.