There and back again for us this month. We reunited at the beginning of the month with Tim returning from Korea. We celebrated Tim’s 35th birthday and enjoyed three weeks of family time. Then we separated again for Tim’s second business trip to Korea. So Alicia and the kids went back down to San Diego, this time flying rather than driving down. It was Alicia’s first time handling two kids in the airport. It went very smoothly and everyone was well behaved.
Cordelia has excellent vocabulary now and she uses full sentences on a regular basis. She is still working through the “2yr old phase” and melt downs are generally a daily occurrence. But she is also very sweet and helpful and has lots of fun too. She shows the full range of emotions, from helpful and cute to raging terror. We try and focus on the cute moments of the day and know the other side will pass as she continues to mature. While in San Jose she had a great time playing with her friend Maddy. We also went to a bounce house and had lots of other fun activities. Down in San Diego, Corrie got to visit with her second cousins (Alicia’s cousin and his kids) for a few days and also spent some time with her Aunts, Uncle, and Cousin. Activities have included: Legoland, San Diego Zoo, and walks to the local park. We dropped Anthony’s swaddle at the beginning of the month and now he is sleeping through the night from 8:30pm-7am mostly (occasionally he wakes up at 6:30am or earlier). Tony finally rolled onto his stomach from his back at 16 weeks. Now that he can get on his tummy he spends more time there. Over the past week he has gotten more frustrated when on his tummy, we think he’s mad that he can’t crawl yet. He will wiggle his arms and legs around but he’s still a few months out from crawling. Hopefully we won’t have an angry baby on our hands for the next few months!ย ย He’s been pretty understanding about being dragged all over for various outings.ย He had his 4 month appointment and got his next set of shots. Overall he isย healthy but he’s dropping a little on the weight curve. We plan on starting some solid food next month, we’ll see if that helps.
Alicia has been staying busy this month with all the travel and associated packing/unpacking. Alicia attended her moms’ groups when in San Jose. Unfortunately both of them finished up in May, so when Alicia gets back to San Jose she will have to be more proactive about getting together with other moms. We did meet one of our neighbors who has a son just a month younger than Corrie. Alicia and Corrie had a brief afternoon play date with them before we left for San Diego again. There may be potential there and Alicia will try and connect with that mom when we get back in town. Alicia has enjoyed spending time with her family in San Diego and especially appreciates the help and a few quotalone timesquot without the kids.
Tim has been handling lots of different tasks at work. Since he is such a high contributor he gets assigned critical and high profile tasks. While it’s good to be so valued it is also challenging since he often gets pulled from one critical issue to the next, sometimes without any warning. His trips to Korea have been successful and his presence there has allowed the tools to continue progressing on the install schedule. The travel back from Korea was pretty rough and it took about 4 days to sufficiently recover from the jet-lag. Tim and Corrie had a father-daughter morning going to swim class and having lunch afterward. He’s been making the most of family time.
We have been enjoying our townhouse when we’ve been in town. Alicia and Cordelia checked out the neighborhood pool. While it’s small it’s nice to be more conveniently located to lots of things.
In June we are looking forward to family visits at our place in San Jose. We are also still trying to make family friends. We hope to connect with Alicia’s friend from refresh on a family level via a family hiking trip.