This month has been mostly day-to-day activities with a few exciting events. We started off the month in Monterey, Tim had a three day work conference down there. We had a few spells of hot weather (followed by cool weather…keeps our wardrobe selection guessing), in the high 80s to mid 90s which allowed us to enjoy our community pool on two occasions. We also did swim class with the kids twice due to Memorial Day at the end of the month. As we finish the month we are looking forward to a weekend away to Colorado while Grandparents Powers watch Cordelia and Anthony.
Corrie is continuing to make good progress in various developments. She enjoys quotwritingquot which involves lots of unrecognizable scribbles on a page, which she claims are people’s names. In order to help nurture her desire to write, the last week of the month we’ve been giving her letter pages so she can trace each letter and actually learn how to write. It’s difficult work and she can get easily frustrated. (Probably gets that from Alicia). Her conversational ability and awareness continue to surprise us. For example: quotMommy I’d like peach yogurt for breakfast.quot quotI’m not sure we have peach yogurtquot…Corrie opens the fridge quotAs a matter of fact we do.quot And she comes out holding two peach yogurts, one for her and one for Anthony. She is also a great helper and really enjoys helping in the kitchen when she is allowed. And most of the time she enjoys helping and taking care of Anthony. In her final swim class of the month she did so well that the teacher said she was ready to move up to the next level! She can kick in the water and push off the wall. She was also able to float on her back with no help. While dramatic moments and days are still occurring, she is growing in her ability to handle frustration through words rather than tantrums.
Tony also continues his development. His favorite activities include reading books and playing with cars. He pushes cars around the carpet saying quotvroom vroom.quot He also has a few animal sounds, his favorite being quotmeowquot and quotbawk bawk.quot His words are becoming slightly more clear and he now has a strong quotkquot sound at the end of words like milk and book. Face plants are a common occurrence as he tries to run everywhere. He has a wandering streak so Alicia has to keep a close eye on him when at parks or he’ll be off somewhere and she’s chasing after him. At the beginning of the month it was especially difficult since he would often run faster when told to stop and come back. Over the month he has improved slightly. He is expressing his emotions more and more, which has made some days very difficult. He also learned quotnoquot and for a day or two walked around saying it repeatedly for no reason. He finally has all four front teeth cut through but they are not fully established yet. Meal time is often a challenge with Anthony. He tends to be or picky about food and generally does not eat very much. The main headache are the times when he sits down and immediately refuses everything and instead cry/yells. We’re working on ways to reduce those events and make family meal time a more pleasant and less stressful event. Tony is also doing great in swim class. He loves floating on his back and once he gets better at his kicking, he will be able to graduate to the next level.
Alicia had lots of random events scattered throughout the month. She has been helping at church with lighting, which involves being at practice every Wed night to help with the set-up. On Thursday nights she is doing a bible study, which concludes the first Thurs in June. While it does allow Alicia the opportunity to get out and interact without the kids, Tim has had to take on the evening and bedtime tasks those nights. Alicia enjoyed a fun Mother’s day at a park. Then she took a last-minute trip to San Diego for an on-site job interview, and got to visit with her mother in the evening as a bonus. Alicia also got the chance to watch her former dog, Helena, at a dog agility competition and stayed the night with Helena’s current owner.
Tim continues his work at KT, riding the waves of progress and lack there-of through the week to week. He’s getting more comfortable in his new position but learning is always an on-going task. At home he has been very engaged. Alicia feels very blessed to have such a wonderful husband to take on full time kid watching while she was gone for several days. Tim enjoys playing video games with Corrie while Tony watches. Tim is teaching Cordelia how to play her first video game – Kirby. Tim also celebrated his birthday in the middle of the month.
We enjoyed the three day weekend at the end of the month and the extra time to spend together. Tim and Alicia have been trying to make more time to communicate and stay connected rather than always zoning out at the end of the nights. We are praying for God’s favor with the job opportunity in San Diego and hope that we will be enabled to move down there.
We are grateful for God’s provision in our lives and the continuous ways He shows His blessings to us. We are grateful that we are being used to serve His Kingdom purposes. Please pray with us regarding the job and moving situation. Please pray for our safety as we travel and for Grandparents Powers energy to keep up with the kids for the week. We are thankful for you all and your love and support.