December 2017

A Happy New Year to all! Lots of exciting changes over this past year. Selling a house, new jobs, moving, new house, so many things. We are also announcing that we are pregnant with our third baby, due mid-end July. We are excited to see the path God has for us in the coming year and are grateful to be back down in San Diego and close to family again.

At the beginning of the month Tim had a business trip for his new project. We end the month by celebrating with lots of relatives. The Powers clan came over for Mark’s birthday and then Mimi and Papa came to visit for a few days with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. We finished with a semi-traditional Powers New Year’s Eve, staying up watching movies and ringing in the new year.

Cordelia has a had a fun month, enjoying more cousin time than in past months. She had a great time in November visiting all her Russin cousins and in December got to see her Powers cousins a few times. She is developing a caring heart, doing her best to take are of Anthony and Tim and Alicia. With the pregnancy Alicia has been more tired and sick feeling some evenings. Corrie has done a nice job bringing blankets and pillows. Tim came done with a bad sickness and she was very loving and caring to his needs too. We are still challenged in how to deal with her when things are not going her way. She can have very bad rage, screaming and shouting, beyond talking to or reasoning with. Once she finally calms down we try to talk with her and pray with her, reminding her that Jesus can help her when she is angry. We hope these truths are sinking in and she will take hold of them. Corrie finished up her time at preschool, as we prepare to move to our new house.

Anthony continues to surprise us all with his talking. He sings quotABCsquot – except for w,x,y,z, can count at least up to 10, and is very good and communicating what he wants. He is certainly starting to get some attitude, quotnopequot and quotnoquot are commonly heard. He also will plop himself on the ground when he doesn’t want to go somewhere. He is certainly a follower, mimicking almost everything Cordelia does. He’s finally getting more teeth, almost all four molars and some other ones in between popping through. He is also starting to gain interest and ability in doing some of the basic wood board puzzles.

Alicia is continuing to enjoy her engineering job. It continues to be a great opportunity to expand her skills and stretch into new areas. She’s been learning more about the details of programming hardware and enjoys the team environment. She has also been stretched in her management abilities through the student project she is managing. Outside of work, Alicia struggled some evenings due to morning sickness and has been a lot more tired. On the weekends Alicia has enjoyed outings with the kids. Alicia also watched Cordelia’s Preschool Christmas song recital.

Tim was very instrumental in his project’s field test at the beginning of the month. He still enjoys his new position and the people he gets to work with. Tim’s team is looking forward to next year, expanding their current projects capabilities and thinking of new ideas. Outside of work Tim got to spend a little extra time with the kids. He went to a special chapel at Corrie’s preschool, where they reenacted the birth of Jesus and Corrie was dressed as a sheep. Tim has also been helping take the kids out and give Alicia the extra time to rest when possible.

We enjoyed an evening outing to the local botanical garden for a light festival. We also had the whole last week of December together as a family and enjoyed outing to the zoo and Legoland.

In the upcoming month we will be moving to our new house in Poway. We are excited for the transition and ability to be closer to work. Please pray that everything will go smoothly and we will get settled quickly. We have a new nanny starting in January who will be fill time with the kids. We will also be celebrating Anthony’s 2nd birthday.

A Happy New Year to you and blessings for a wonderful year to come.

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