So… let’s try this again. This is the second time I am writing this month’s blog. The first time I successfully completed journaling the month and upon clicking quotSavequot, the Shutterfly site had a glitch and unceremoniously loaded a blank journal entry with my 45min of work gone in the click of a button. This seems like a fitting story to depict the events of this month. Feeling like we’re putting forth so much effort and accomplishing so little.
We started attending a new church in February with our first week being the kick-off sermon in a series quotRefined by Firequot. And so it seems this month of March we have been refined in the fire of sudden and unexpected challenges.
The first full week of March our nanny went out sick for the entire week and after attempting to return for two days, she was put on bed rest by her doctor. We are grateful to be closer to family so Grandma could help us out for a couple of days. In the midst of trying to juggle getting in a full work day while watching the kids it became clear we needed a new childcare solution. So we enrolled the kids in a Preschool. Fortunately our nanny has recovered but we still plan on keeping the kids in preschool part time. Perhaps this is God’s answer to our prayer for the kids to make friends in our new area. Cordelia is doing well at Preschool and has been enjoying having more kid interaction. Anthony had a tough few days adjusting but he seems to be doing better each day.
Anthony enjoys playing with his cars and is happy to play by himself most of the time. He also enjoys quotdrivingquot our new blue sports car. Getting him to eat is still a challenge. He usually does well at breakfast time but lunch and dinner are difficult and some days he eats very little. We’ll keep working with him to find a good range a foods that he will consistently eat. We are also working with him on not throwing toys or pushing his sister.
Cordelia enjoyed an early birthday visit from her friend Maddy for a weekend. She turned 4 years old at the end of this month. We are thankful for all the family that joined us to celebrate. Mimi and Uncle Danny came out from Tucson along with Corrie’s Tucson cousins, Sam and Amelia for her party. The Powers side also joined in the celebrations for her party day and actual birthday at Legoland. She is maturing and occasionally surprises us with her abilities. One day at the grocery store she loaded all the groceries into the car while Alicia put Anthony in his seat. She also has been helping Tim with the work bench he’s been building. She really enjoys spending time in the garage with Tim and they’ve done a few small project together. Corrie started doing AWANA at the new church and it has been great to hear her memorizing Bible verses. We continue to work with her on handling her emotions and responding in a correct manner.
Alicia’s work has been stretching her into unfamiliar areas this past month. She continues to contribute well towards her projects but it has been a challenge balancing priorities between projects. It was a challenge trying to balance working from home while giving the kids the attention they deserve and still being able to maintain the regular house tasks.
Tim’s work seems to swing from quotfeast to faminequot and back during this month. Some days he has three high priority tasks all due and other days he has very little. While it is not the most challenging work he is still enjoying his new position overall. Similarly, he’s been struggling to balance family life and accomplishing his project to-do list for the house. It seems that the list continues to grow with very little being removed/completed.
We continue to press-on and focus on each day, what we can we accomplish within the time we have. As we enter next month we have several upcoming activities. We’ve started working with a landscape designer to redo the backyard and get a new kids play area built. We hope to have the design completed during April and have the new playground together by mid-July. Tim and Alicia will also be celebrating their 7th anniversary in April.
We are grateful for all your support, love, and prayers.