Spring time is here in San Diego. Lots of flowers blooming, comfortable weather, and longer days are making the outdoors more attractive. We have a lot of vegetables growing in our raised beds. Itโs a fun evening activity to go out and see how much things have grown. Not a lot of big events this month, just lots of typical days. Tim and Alicia celebrated their eighth anniversary in April. We are grateful to have grandparents willing to help watch the kids, which allowed us a night away without kids.
Cordelia is maturing a lot and has been helpful this month. Now that sheโs five sheโs allowed to stay up and not have nap time if sheโs having good behavior. Itโs nice being able to have more interesting conversations and having a little helper around. She enjoys going with Tim to church on days when heโs playing guitar and helping the childrenโs director get ready for service. Sheโs also doing very well in AWANA memorizing her verses. However, one of her activities this month was to share about church and Jesus with someone outside our family and she has been dealing with fear in sharing. We finally decided on a school for Corrie for kindergarten. She will be going to a Christian Montessori in Poway. Even though itโs still several months away weโre starting to think and plan for the upcoming school year.
Anthony has been a bit more feisty this month. Nap time and bed time have been a struggle as well as some disobedience during the day. He seems to be enjoying preschool in his new class. Weโre still debating on if we should enroll him in the Montessori along with Cordelia.
Lydia is a healthy plump baby. She went to her nine month appointment and is still tall for her age. Sheโs almost completely in 12 month clothes now. Sheโs cruising around the furniture but has yet to take her first step alone. She enjoys cuddles and is also a very good eater. She waves hi and bye and makes lots of baby babble.
Alicia was able to take a day trip up to see her old dog Helena at a Jack Russel show in LA. She also held down the fort while Tim had another travel work trip. Alicia has enjoyed playing with the kids and getting some one-on-one time with them all. Although work is pressing with lots of tasks, Alicia is continuing to keep a good balance and keep family time a priority. At work Alicia is in high demand with lots of project all wanting her contributions. It is nice to be appreciated and wanted but also a bit stressful and requires a lot of juggling.
Timโs work trip was successful with promising results. Since Tim has been back his tasks have been more mundane. Unfortunately he got assigned as a technical lead on another project that is having some technical difficulties. So that has been a source of stress and annoyance this month. At home, Tim has been tending the gardens, planting and growing lots of things! He cleaned up our front yard of some big shrubs and planted some drought tolerant alternatives. Tim has just started training for a half-marathon, which he will run in August. Tim has also been enjoying some one-on-one time with the kids. Lydia especially is becoming more fun as sheโs growing and getting interactive.
In May Alicia is going on her first womenโs retreat with our church. We will be celebrating Timโs birthday. And looking forward to spring-time weather and being outside as a family.
We a grateful for eight years of marriage and are continuing to grow in our relationship. It takes effort and focus, especially in the midst of three kids and life. We are blessed with wonderful supportive families.