October 2014

Cordelia had a big spurt of development during this month. Her crawling is much improved and she can get around pretty quickly. She also learned how to pull herself up into a stand and has been grabbing everything to pull herself up. She also can slide into a sitting position. Her bottom two teeth broke through the gum line as well. So, lots of mile stones for Corrie this month. Additionally she continues to improve on eating solid food. She does really well most of the time and has been getting a good variety of flavors. At the end of the month we started giving her finger foods and she has successfully put the little quotpuffquot in her mouth about 3-4 times over the past three days. She is really starting to grow into her personality too. Overall she is a happy baby and likes laughing with Daddy. She can also get very determined when she wants something. When she was working on standing she got very focused on that and showed little interested in everything else.

Alicia has been enjoying her weekly study group at church as well as the MOPS meetings. Additionally Alicia has been hosting breakfast on Sunday mornings for two ladies and their babies while Tim is playing golf with their husbands. Tim had his first Father-Daughter day with Cordelia all to himself while Alicia went down to LA for the day to meet her new nephew, Cephas.

Tim continues to excel at work and all his co-workers have a high regard for his work. His project is in the initial integration and testing phase so Tim has been working extended hours to keep the progress on schedule. 

This month we had our first round of colds since Cordelia has been born. She did not seem to have much symptoms but Alicia and Tim both came down with it fairly hard. But now we are all back in good health. We are grateful for the support and love from our family and friends. With the holidays approaching we look forward to family time over Thanksgiving and into December.

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