November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Cordelia is 8 months exactly on Thanksgiving day. She continues to be very active and is overall a very happy baby. She crawls on her hands and knees all over the place now and also likes to stand up on everything. She is in the beginning stages of cruising. She can grab her finger foods and eat them all on her own. She is a good eater and does well during meal times. Towards the end of the month she is starting babble more, mostly saying “Mamamama “and “Babababa”. She is enjoying her first Thanksgiving with Grandpa and Grandma Powers and Aunt Kelly.

Alicia continues her involvement in the MOPS group and church study group. Due to the holidays, the groups are taking a break until January. Tim’s project at work is transitioning to manufacturing. He has been helping with the transition and making sure the tool stays up and running. He is also doing testing and comparing the results with the estimated performance.

Helena has been officially re-homed this month. She now lives with a family North-East of Sacramento who have three Jack Russell males. The lady who took her is largely involved with the NADAC agility club and is already enjoying running with Helena. We are happy to see Helena in a better home with other dogs and lots of activity. Of course we are sad that she is no longer with us here but we know she is in good hands.

We are grateful for good health this month. We are also enjoying the cooler weather and some recent rain. We’ve been able to give our fireplace some use a few times and look forward to using it through the winter months. We are also looking forward to our trip to Louisiana for Uncle Nathanael’s wedding and to spend time with the Russin clan. Please pray for smooth and safe travels, especially with Corrie. Please also pray for good health as we are visiting. We are thankful for the opportunities to spend time with family and look forward to our upcoming visits.

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