Happy Birthday to Cordelia this month! We have had a lot of fun over the past few weeks celebrating with various family and friends. Alicia and Cordelia flew down to San Diego for a pre-birthday party. While on the flight down Corrie decided to do some exploring and crawled under the seat to the row in front of Alicia. It added some smiles and a good story for all. Overall she did a great job traveling. We had a great time visiting with family and Cordelia had her first trip to LEGOLAND.
We feel very blessed to have the gift of Cordelia over this past year. While not all days and moments are enjoyable and many days are stressful, overall Corrie is a joy to have around. She has lots of smiles and continues to surprise us by her various developments. She walks around all over the place now and doesn’t fall quite as much. She is starting to put shapes into the corresponding holes, if we line it up right for her. She can clap, wave, and point. She also learned how to use a straw. Corrie has a very outgoing personality and enjoys having other people around. She gives lots of smiles and has no problem with other people holding her, although she does prefer women.
Alicia continues to stay busy with various Moms groups as well as the day-to-day of watching Cordelia and keeping the house in order. Alicia has really enjoyed the opportunities to meet more moms and form some connections. Alicia is excited to be helping organize the food menu for a quotLadies’ teaquot at church, that will be taking place in May.
Tim is doing well at work. His project is now transferring to initial development, so he has been working with manufacturing lately to get all the processes in order. While Tim continues to excel at work he has been continuing to make family time a priory. We enjoy taking walks throughout the week and having fun times together in the evenings before Cordelia goes down for bed. Tim has also been focusing on exercising, going for runs three times a week. He is training up for a half-marathon in April.
Thanks to our new connections, Tim and Alicia were able to enjoy a date night this month to celebrate all of us surviving the first year of Cordelia’s life.
We finally finished the last bit of the molding after the floor remodel. Tim worked on varnishing all the natural pine boards while Alicia and Cordelia were in San Diego. The boards are now installed in the guest bedroom along with a new closet shelf, so our guest bedroom is back in order.
We are looking forward to a busy month in April. Alicia and Cordelia will be doing a parent and me swim class on Wednesdays during the month of April. Aunt Kelly will be coming up for a visit during her spring break. Tim will be running a half-marathon in Santa Cruz while Alicia and Corrie do the 5k run. Tim and Alicia will also be celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary and will end the month by taking a week trip to Hawaii.
We are very blessed to have you as our family and friends. Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers. Grace, mercy, and peace to you in this coming month.