No major events this month. We had a family outing to a pumpkin patch with the MOPS group in mid-October. As October comes to an end, the first rainy days have arrived. The turn towards colder weather seems to call for snuggling inside under blankets, but with two young kids around, that’s not really practical.
Cordelia and Tim have had a few Father-Daughter outings. At the beginning of the month they had swim class and lunch together. Later in the month Tim took Cordelia for a bike ride around the mall to the bounce house and then a park, Corrie had a great time riding on her bike seat and said “Wheeee!” the whole time they were riding. Corrie is having her toy boundaries pushed as Anthony gets more mobile and determined to be involved in whatever she is doing. We are trying to find a good balance between giving her space to play with her toys and when she should share.
Anthony is fully cruising around the furniture. He has even ventured out taking one or two steps before falling to hands and knees. Getting him to drink his milk is an on-going challenge but he is enjoying solid food for the most part. We are transitioning him towards more table finger foods rather than baby food. He loves people and always has huge smiles when anyone starts talking to him. He also waves when people wave at him. Occasionally he will sign quotmorequot and quotall donequot while eating, but it’s not very consistent and he resorts to loud screeches a lot of the time (which we do not appreciate).
Alicia is continuing with her online accounting class. Tim blessed her with a Sunday afternoon out to focus on getting homework completed. Alicia continues to help with MOPS, making sure the events are planned and organized. She is also participating in another moms’ group, making connections and getting encouraged by the messages. Alicia made a large effort to reach out and connect with as many moms as possible this month. Alicia is beginning to think about next year and what God is leading her to do in the coming year.
Tim has officially transitioned to his new project. He continues to be a great asset and respected among his peers. In conjunction with project transition, Tim will be reporting to new management. Rather than reporting to a project manager Tim will be reporting to a technical system engineer lead. This shift puts his career towards the technical system architect path, which is a positive step for his career development.
As we head in to November we will be visiting with Alicia’s family. Tim may also have a short business trip to Singapore. Please pray that we will be unified and support each other. We often feel depleted and weary from taking care of the kids and other responsibilities, which results in poor responses and misunderstandings to arise easily. We are also still looking for a church, so pray for guidance on where God would have us to go. Pray that as this year comes to a close we will put our efforts towards the right things so that we are prepared for what God has for us in the coming year.