It has been a busy start to the new year. We began our moving preparations soon after the new year. A lot of our time has been spent packing and unpacking but we still managed to get a few family outings during the busy-ness. We’ve been in our new house a week and half currently. It’s starting to look more like a house and less like a box pile. Obviously there is still a lot that needs to be done.
The kids are enjoying the big backyard and chance to have a play set without having to drive to a park. The Nanny still takes them out during the day to parks, library, and neighborhood walks to see the animals. The neighborhood seems pretty quiet. We did meet our next door neighbor and we hope to be more involved in the community as we get settled.
Cordelia has had some challenges adjusting to the changes. With a new house and lots of new things she’s having a bit more trouble managing her emotions when things don’t go the way she wants. She still is very sweet sometimes and wants to be caring and helpful. She is especially good with Anthony and is a great big sister to him. She’s also very excited about the arrival of a new baby to the house.
Anthony continues to amaze with his development and maturity. He’s getting a lot more capable and aware, such as getting his bowl and spoon for breakfast and then getting his cereal all at the table. We celebrated his 2nd birthday this month with a small party the weekend after we moved in. He got a bike from Grandpa and Grandma Powers and has been very excited to have a bike like his big sister. He is a big follower and does or says whatever other people do or say, which can be good or bad. He also has times of testing and poor behavior. With the move, the transition has been a bit difficult on him too.
Alicia continues to enjoy her work. More of her time this month has been spent on management type items and not as much technical focus. Outside of work she has enjoyed getting to spend family time. It has been nice since the move being closer to work. Alicia gets the kids up every morning and is able to have a good start to the day seeing them. The evenings have been busy with lots of outings to take care of the various house items and then unboxing after the kids’ beadtime.
Tim had a slow start back to work at the beginning of the month but things are starting to pick back up again. His team is preparing for another field test in early February so he’s been doing lots of hands-on in lab work. Outside of work he has been able to come home earlier in the evenings, with a short 10-15 min commute. It has been nice to be able to make dinners and not feel rushed to get a meal together. Tim is also looking forward to getting a work area set up in the garage for some future wood working projects.
With the moving and late nights of unpacking it’s easy for stress and miscommunication to slip in. We’re trying to make time for some fun in the midst of it all but it has been a challenging time for all.
In February we’re looking forward to some fun events. We’ll be going to Big Bear for a weekend to enjoy the snow with Mimi and Papa. Alicia and Cordelia are taking a trip up to San Jose to visit their friends Heidi and Maddy for Maddy’s 4th birthday.
Please pray that we find a good church that we can get quickly connected with. We’re also praying for increased patience and understanding as we finish getting the house organized. We thank you for your love and support during this time.